Archive for December 13, 2008

Quickbooks 2008-09 error 80004005 MAPI email windows mail outlook express vista

Quickbooks 2008-09 error 80004005 MAPI email windows mail outlook express vista

I spent a long time today trying to work out if Quickbooks 2008-09 would use Windows Mail, Outlook Express, Thunderbird etc for sending emails, and it appears the answer is no.

I finally found a post on;msg172#msg172 after searching a Google cache’d listing, and it states:

does QBi intergrate with Outlook express or thunderbird email? (currently get MAPI error code 80004005(15389))
After speaking to technical support and being I was told no despite the fact that my previous 07-08 software ran perfectly with outlook express 6 on my network.

Seems to match my experience. Unfortunately this question is asked number of times on the intuit forums, but there are no answers.

Personally, unless you really need a high powered accounting program, you might as well just use the free e-record program from the ATO. It’ll do your BAS for you.

Interestingly the previous versions of QuickBooks were OK, so this upgrade is actually a downgrade.