BigPond emails disappear.
If you are finding that your BigPond emails seem to vanish into thin air, even though you’ve called them and had your password reset, etc; there might be a simple solution.
Try logging in to with your BigPond email address and password.
If you find your emails there, then great 🙂 However, to get them in your normal email program you might have to follow the steps at
BigPond, and Telstra, have teamed up with Microsoft to supply some email services. (A bit of a nightmare really, when you can find yourself on the receiving end of a crappy exchange setup rather than a tradtional POP3 / IMAP setup.)
This by the way is why you also can’t go to and register an identity using a email – a rather annoying problem when you’re forced to have a Windows Live ID to use Windows Live Mail to email any image.
End of rant.
Edit 2014: You can also set up Windows Live Mail or use the Outlook Connector for Hotmail and set up your email in that program as if it was a hotmail account.