The free version of Zara Radio uses a technique to enable satellite playback by unmuting a “playback” input in Windows 98 / early XP’s audio mixer. This feature doesn’t exist in computers made since about 2005.
ZaraRadio does support ‘scripts’ within the playlist file.
You can take advantage of this by using the free app SoundVolumeView to save two profiles – one with a line in set with “Listen To This Device” enabled for the Line In input, and another with it disabled. (File –> Save Sound Profile (Selected Devices))
You can then create a batch file with the relevant commands
– for example, satellite_off.bat would contain:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\SoundVolumeView.exe /LoadProfile satellite_off.spr
You can then open a Zara Radio Playlist in Notepad and add the relevant lines to the end of it. For example,
-1 C:\Users\Public\Documents\satellite_Off.bat
-1 .stop