Challenge ICD Craft CLM-300A – cheapo electric mower :)

Challenge ICD Craft CLM-300A – cheapo electric mower 🙂

G’day 🙂

Well, I often get a headache from the fumes from the ol’ Rover 4 stroke, so took the gamble on getting one of these from eBay. (Cost $105, not too bad given the UK retail is 44 pounds.)

They are retailed in the UK by a company called Argos.|cat_14418702|Lawnmowers|14418813/Trail/searchtext%3EMOWER.htm#tabrev

I have a fairly rogue Aussie lawn, but it is handling it OK.

The one concern has been the strong smell of hot plastic when it’s been running for 15-20 mins, and taking off the top cover reveals that the motor runs quite hot.

In an effort to prolong it’s life, I’ve modded it to increase the ventilation. This isn’t a total cure as the bad smell returns after 20 mins of clump-busting, but it’s certainly helping a bit.

The reviews over at Argos are almost all positive so it sounds like they are reasonably reliable nonetheless.

CLM-300A extra cooling

Added parts are a Sony laptop power supply and a 24V fan from an ancient server; plus some flyscreen, cable ties, etc.

The entire mod is removeable with no evidence so if the poor bugger does die before the 12 months is up I guess I can return it. However, it’s probably not worth returning as the seller whacked $70 postage on it – immoral really I know but otherwise his reviews were good and this model is hard to get here in Aus.

Other notes: Power usage is actually only 350 watts when not actually cutting, rising up to around 650/700 on the bigger clumps. That could be useful info for those of you living green off the grid 🙂

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